Laser Hair Removal

Fed up of the seemingly endless cycle of shaving, waxing, threading and tweezing? Laser hair removal is one of the only ways to permanently get rid of unwanted hair. Using a powerful laser or intense pulsed light (IPL) this light converts to heat which damages the hair follicle and hair bulb which after a few visits can leave you with smoother skin and permanent hair removal.

Laser hair removal is an entirely safe procedure but it is important that you make sure the person doing your laser hair removal is experienced and suitably qualified. At Salon House, our highly trained staff have the expertise to guarantee a fast and pain-free experience.

Read on to discover whether laser hair removal is the right treatment for you.

  • Contact us

To find out how laser hair removal can save you time and boost your body confidence contact one of our highly trained experts for more information on 020 7404 7067 or via

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  • Painless

Though it sounds painful, compared with the pain of waxing, laser hair removal is a gentle and virtually pain-free alternative. Some compare the sensation to the flick of an elastic band. On thinner areas of skin, the pain can be more intense. However, the blasts of light only last a few seconds and our device features a ‘dynamic cooling’ system to ensure your comfort.

  • Speed

Compared to other hair removal processes, laser treatment is a fast and efficient way of getting permanent hair removal results. Getting your lower legs lasered only takes around 25 minutes for both legs per visit whereas a smaller area of hair such as the underarms, upper lip or bikini line will be even quicker. Laser hair removal also has the added bonus that once you have completed all your sessions your unwanted hair will be gone for good thus saving you even more time on grooming in your everyday life.

  • Smooth Skin

In addition to permanent hair reduction, laser hair removal can also leave you with clearer, smoother skin. Say goodbye to annoying ingrown hairs as the treatment can help the hair grow straighter and therefore will be less likely to lead to ingrown hairs and skin irritation.

  • Long-Lasting

With laser hair, removal patience is rewarded. You’ll need a few sessions, typically 6-8 to get the full results but many clients report seeing a major difference in just a few weeks after their first few treatments. Up to 90 percent of laser hair removal patients report permanent hair loss after an average of three to six sessions.


  • How many sessions do you need?

You will need a series of sessions to ensure that all the hair is removed thoroughly. The amount of sessions needed varies for each person and according to the amount of hair being removed. For most body parts you will need around 6 to 8 sessions, every 4 to 6 weeks.

  • What to expect at your first appointment?

Before your visit, you will need to shave the area which is going to be lasered. When you arrive your beauty therapist will discuss with you what you want from the treatment and will explain the process and how many sessions they expect you will need. You will be given a pair of specially designed goggles to protect your eyes from the laser. To soothe and prepare your skin for treatment, three milliseconds before the laser shoots out, a short blast of cryogenic gas is applied to the skin to cool the area before laser treatment. The laser itself may feel similar to an elastic band pinging against your skin. Each session may take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour depending on the area covered.

  • How do I care for my skin after my treatment?

The area which has been lasered may be a little red for the first few hours. Avoid the gym, saunas and hot showers for 24 hours after your appointment as these can lead to bacterial infections. Some beauty products such as scrubs, glycolic acid and retinol creams should also be avoided for two days before and after your treatment. It is also important to avoid chemical peels and fake tan for two weeks before and after your appointment.

As your skin will be more sensitive to sunshine after your treatment avoid sunbathing and wear sunscreen with a minimum of SPF30 for at least a month on exposed skin which has been lasered regardless of the weather.

You will have to shave the area before each visit instead of using any other hair removal technique.

  • Is laser hair removal suitable for men?

Laser hair removal is suitable for both men and women.

  • Is there a minimum age requirement?

There is no legal minimum age but laser hair removal is not recommended to anyone under the age of 18. It is important that teenagers have gone through puberty as hormonal changes can make the treatment impermanent. In particular, it is important that girls have begun their menstrual cycle and women should be hormonally stable and don’t have any medical conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

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