The benefits of a hydro-facial

The benefits of a hydro-facial

One of the more modern ways of cleaning your face is what’s called a hydro-facial. This article will explain 3 of the benefits of this procedure.

What is a hydro-facial?

A hydro-facial is a new method of clearing your facial skin, making you look cleaner, younger, and more vibrant. During the procedure, a small device will exfoliate dead skin cells as it moves up and down your face. But, as well as removing dead skin cells, and other kinds of gunk from your skin, it will also replenish you with nutrients and antioxidants such as peptides and hyaluronic acid.
Here’s what happens. Your therapist will move a small machine up and down your face- the pattern they move it in depends on the beautician. This machine will suck up dead skin cells and anything stuck in the pores. But, it will also add a special fluid-filled with chemicals that your skin benefits from.

hydro facial


Benefits of a hydro-facial

#1 It looks better
The most obvious benefit of having a hydro-facial is that your skin will look much nicer. Having clear and beautiful skin can give you an extra step of confidence that will benefit every other aspect of your life.
After the hydro-facial procedure, your skin will look brighter, plumper, and clearer. Doing so will also improve your body’s natural aging process because you will have fewer wrinkles and brown spots, and your skin will be firmer.
By sucking away all the debris, your skin can process the nutrients it needs to repair much more efficiently. The result? Your skin will look incredible.

#2 It helps with acne
Many of us might think that acne is an exclusively teenage problem. However, in reality, plenty of adults also suffer from it. Our skin doesn’t magically change when we turn 18. It happens slowly and gradually over time and at different speeds for different people. Age isn’t like in that Harry Enfiled sketch; we don’t go through a single transformation.
When oils gather in our pours, that oil becomes a hotspot for bacteria, which culminates into puss. This puss is covered by small red bumps that we call acne. During a hydro-facial, the machine will suck up the acne and all the dirt and oils causing it in the first place.
Thus, not only is your acne taken away, but its home is, too- meaning it will take longer to return.

#3 It gets rid of puffy eyes
When we don’t sleep enough, it shows. And one way it shows is with “bags” or rings underneath our eyes. This problem is so common that 80% of people have it.
When we stay awake longer than we should, the muscles around our eyes become weak and saggy. Our body fills this weak muscle with dead white blood cells (called Lymphatic Fluid). However, during hydro-facial therapy, pressure points move this fluid away from our eyes and into our bloodstream.
A quick disclaimer, though, hydro-facial is not a replacement for getting enough sleep. There are many issues with lack of sleep; hydro-facial will only solve about 0.0001% of them. Make sure to get enough sleep.

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